Friday, January 28, 2011

Real Love: Happy Anniversary

It's my mom and dad's 55th Anniversary!

I know! I'm so impressed too!
It takes quite a bit of something to be able to stay married and love each other after so many years.
Heck it takes quite a bit of something to do so for the first  year...much less the other fifty-three!
Of course, I hope to be able to celebrate such an anniversary someday myself.

I'm so proud of them.
Because I know it's not always been easy; life isn't set  up that way.  But even so, they made the commitment and followed through and the rewards, I would say, have been great.
They are still companions and healthy enough to live together, read, go out to dinner at their favorite spots, fuss at the dogs, and yak about their kids together.
They know each others quirks and weaknesses and strengths.
They take care of each other, in small ways and big.
And really, it's a gift and example to all of us, their kids.
Because we get to see how love can look over a lifetime.
And what we see is that it's beautiful.
Because it is.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
I love you!

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