Thursday, January 6, 2011

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

Everybody’s seen the image of the sexy vixen. She’s thin, she’s smart, she’s witty, she’s outspoken, she’s the envy of every woman and the desire of every man – and she’s probably got one or more sexy back tattoos. Do you think it’s a coincidence? Think again.

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

Even as tattooing has become relatively more mainstream in America, there’s still something temptingly transgressive about a woman who gets a tattoo. Maybe it’s the permanency, or maybe it’s the idea of rebellion. It’s most likely a combination of the two.

The woman who gets a sexy tattoo is a woman who knows what she wants – and who usually gets it, too. She’s not afraid to make a decision and go for it. She knows that the decision she’s making is one to last a lifetime, but she’s not scared. Instead, she’s eager to show just how happy and confident she is at this point in her life, and she probably wants to remember it forever. This woman is probably a little bit rebellious, too. She isn’t afraid to stretch, bend, and sometimes break the rules. By getting a tattoo, she’s making a definite statement, saying, “This is who I am, and I’m not ashamed of it!” She’s not going to let anyone else tell her what it means to be feminine or to be a woman. If she wants a tattoo, then she’s going to get it, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

But she’s also a woman who’s clever. No matter how unfair it is, the fact remains that some people have condescending attitudes about tattoos. This woman’s tattoo is definitely sexy, but she knows that she might have to cover it up for work in the morning. The back is the perfect position: she can show off her ink with a short shirt and low-cut jeans, but when it’s time to get down to business, a responsible suit can keep her secret safe.

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

Modern Sexy Back Tattoo

The back is not only clever – it’s also very sexy! Men are undeniably attracted to the woman’s back. Its skin is smooth and soft; its curves are subtle, sexy, and oh-so-tempting. By getting a sexy tattoo on her back, this woman is drawing attention to one of her most flattering features. Another great reason to choose the back for a tattoo is that it won’t hurt too badly. Some places on the body have more nerve endings than others. The wrist, for example, or the neck are frequently very painful. The skin on the back is not as sensitive, and because it is not exposed to the elements, it will hurt less and heal quickly. The most important thing to remember about sexy back tattoos is that YOU are what makes them sexy! You can tattoo anything you want – your name, a flower, a knot, or a symbol – whatever is important to you. The sexy part is how you wear the tattoo, and when you’ve made such an empowering decision, you’ve got every reason to flaunt it.

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