Thursday, January 27, 2011


At long last, all of my books are available electronically. At the moment you can only download them from Amazon for the Kindle, or for your Kindle app on your iPad or iPhone or whatever iGizmo you've got. Before long they'll be available in other formats as well.

Here's the new covers with links to their Amazon pages:

Click here to buy from Amazon US.
Click here to buy from Amazon UK.

Amazon US
Amazon UK

Amazon US
Amazon UK

Amazon US
Amazon UK

Once again - and maybe this seems a little disingenuous in a blog post that is pimping the new ebook editions of my books - there are still actual, 3-D, paperback and hardback editions available of my books. (Many of them signed.) You can find them at a number of independent mystery bookstores. You can find one of those by clicking on this paragraph.

eBooks are a great thing. As an author, I appreciate their ability to spread my work farther afield. They are, like it or not, the wave of the future. But they are also a factor in the demise of bookstores - probably one near you. And I love bookstores. So yes, please do buy my ebooks, but also find ways to continue to support your local independent bookseller.

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