Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog travels...

So, I am guest posting today at one of my favorite blogs: A Bushel and a Peck - One Thankful Mom.
I'm so excited! Her blog is one of my favs and one that I look to for encouragement and inspiration.  Many of you are already old friends with her and her blog, I know.  If not, then it's high time you high tailed it over need to meet her and her blog.  She is a wise mom and has a big family and thoughtfully works to make that family work as well as it can and be as healthy as it can be.  So, to be succinct, she is a hero.  She just doesn't really know it  yet.

But I know we'd get along just famously if we only lived closer.  One day I'm gonna sit down over a cuppa joe and gab away with her, I know it.  For now, she's on a short getaway and she asked me to write a little something for her.  After I stopped clapping with glee, I did.  It's a post on Guide Dogs: Attachment Version.
Go here to read it, tell her I said hello!

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