Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homage to Jonas Akerlund

Tonight I just wanted to share a few of my favorite music video directed by Jonas Akerlund.
1st, P!nk’s Sober:

I love P!nk, I think she is seriously talented and she isn’t afraid to voice her opinion. I love that.

Next, Christina Aguilera's Beautiful:
Sorry can’t embed, but you can find it here:

Now, I’m not too big of a Christina Aguilera fan – too much pop for my taste – however this song is truly beautiful and it works really well with her unbelievable voice.

So by watching these and the previous videos you will have noticed that Jonas Akerlund has an exceptional eye for strong photographic imagery. To enforce that I will will leave you with his masterpiece, Robbie Williams’ Come Undone (the uncensored European version, you have been warned)

This is by far my favorite song by Robbie, and I like quite a lot of his songs. Maybe it’s just because its Robbie – (I am positive my fellow European females will agree with me on this) before he went all crazy area 51 on us, Robbie Williams was the epitome of a cocky sexy bastard and I loved him for it. The video really enhances that. Enjoy :-)

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