Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Buddybug and Vampires

This tidbit is just too fun to resist, so I'm copying most of it here. It made me smile on a rocky day. (h/t to Anchoress)

In pop culture, Vampires are currently (again) all the rage, and Fr. Z makes the amusing and not so off-base observation that this icon of our dear friend, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, looks a bit like a vampire slayer.

The Dominican Tertiary from Italy is actually shown holding his rosary and his beloved skis, but I thought it was amusing, just the same. And since we know (in fact we have the pictures to prove it) that Pier Giorgio had a wonderful sense of humor, I bet he’d find it amusing, as well.

“The end for which we are created invites us to walk a road that is surely sown with a lot of thorns, but it is not sad; through even the sorrow, it is illuminated by joy.”
— Pier Giorgio Frassati

It has been shamelessly lifted from both the Anchoress, and from Father Z, but I hope they won't mind....I'm a tiny fish in the humongous 'net pond,' and they are big time. But with the frenzy over THE premiere of that vampire series (you know the one I"m talking about, unless you live in a cave in the desert and have no access to teen girls or tabloids in the supermarket), and the current vogue over all things vampire...this made me smile, and think of my boy. All good.

Buddybug has a great devotion and affection for Blessed Pier Giorgio. And really, what's not to like? He was fun, kind, devout, athletic, outgoing, handsome, charming young he was Italian! All good, and his pure heart and soul made him shine - and does still, even now.

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