Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sculpture Ideas

Sculpture Ideas

Heard the story of the sculptor who crafted the woman of his dream and fell in love with her so much that he wished to God that she was alive? Well, she did come alive but what happened next I am not going reveal to you. I am sure you would figure it out whether it was a happy ending or a tragic tale. When I was young, I always wondered how awesome it would be to create a piece of art yourself which you can flaunt in front of the world while pretending to be modest, which you can admire in the silence of your room marveling how you were able to do it on your own. Of course, you need the gift to create something artful but everyone has an artist hidden inside in him somewhere. Sculpting is a amazing way to bring that person out of the shell. As there is no dearth of sculpture ideas, you wouldn't have much of a problem if you keep on treading on the path of patience and perseverance.

Sculpting: An Art
Sculpting is the art of making a three dimensional object. It is an ancient form of art which has been there from the time of old world civilizations. Materials like clay, stone, wood, plastic, paper, metals, ice and many more have been used by the artists to carve out a figure which they visualized. In the ancient times, the purpose of sculpting a figure was not just artistic escapades but also for decorations or to appease high and mighty. If you look at the Roman civilization, you realize how the sculpting was blended in with their architecture. The history behind the famous sculptures and the saga they unveil is like a labyrinth and it's difficult to contain oneself once you have began this journey. Therefore, I am taking the liberty of skipping some centuries and coming to the modern sculpture ideas for which we here on this page.

Sculpture Ideas for Children
I don't think there is a child in this world who doesn't love to build and break things. Building new things shouldn't be just limited to making greeting cards and paper crafts. With these sculpture ideas for children, they can create useful piece of art and decorate their room, or better gift it to their grandparents.

Piggy Bank

Materials Required
  • Big balloon
  • Plastic cups
  • Water bowl
  • Cardboard scraps
  • Paint and brush
  • Black and white colored paper
  • Glue
  • Vinyl tape
  • Knife

First, blow up the balloon and tie it with a knot. Then, take four plastic cups and tape them to the balloon such that they look like the legs of the piggy. A fifth cup should be cut into half to be used as the nose of the pig, then attach it to the balloon with the tape. Now fill a bowl with water and dip strips of cardboard in it and then glue it to the balloon and smoothened it out with more water. Continue this process covering the entire a balloon at least two three times. Then leave for some time to dry. After it's dried, make a slit on the top of the balloon which will pop it. Again, let it to dry for a day. Now you can paint your piggy in the color of your likes and make his eyes from colored paper.

Sculpture Ideas for High Schoolers
Sand art has always fascinated people, as it is one form of art which does not live for long. Whenever you see a fresh tide washing away a beautiful miniature castle on the ground and you wish that you could save it and take it home. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could do so? Here's a sand sculpture idea which you can try at home. Also make some great clay scuptures by reading clay sculpture ideas.

Sand Castle

Materials Required
  • Newspapers
  • 3 cups of play sand or beach sand
  • 1 ½ Water
  • 1 ½ cups of cornstarch
  • Cooking pot
  • Spoon

This procedure involves cooking the sand, cornstarch and water together. After the ingredients are heated enough to make a thick paste, remove it from the store and let it cool. Put it on the newspaper with help of the spoon. And now you have easily moldable sand from which you can make permanent castle which won't break down easily. Mold the sand in the shape of pillars and castles using tools like putty knife, plastic utensils and small trowel. For building towers, make sand patties about the size of a pancakes and keep on placing them on top of each other, then smoothen their surface with more sand.

Sculpture Ideas for Adults
Wire art is one of the easiest sculpture ideas ever, any adult can create wonders with just few strands of wire. After you become a master in this simple tree making art, you can graduate to the next level of making a complicated wire tree sculpture.

Wire Tree Sculpture

Materials Required
  • Copper wires
  • Rock
  • Plier
  • Glue
  • Decorative items

First cut the wires in equal strands of 10 inch or more. You need not be too accurate, as you know the branches of the tree are not symmetrical at all. Take around 10 equal sized wire in hand and then, bend the whole bunch in the middle. The next step involves making a loop near the bend and twist it a lot many times to make a it a firm loop. Now that you made the main loop, it gives you the base of the tree. Again, you have to divide the loop in to 2 - 3 sections containing at least three loops. After that, you can twist the different loop groups to make the root system of the tree. Twist each and every loop a few more times, in the end you will get root system resembling shape. Now, cut the loop circles with pliers. Once the root is done, you can divert your attention to the branches and stem. Since your tree stem may not be very thick, you need to add more wire to fattened it up. Twist the wire on the stem and then use the end portion of the extra wires as the branches. Cut the loops of extra wire as you did in the root system. Add more branches as per your likes. After you are done with twisting and adding branches, it's time to give finishing touches to your tree model. Paint your tree, and now you have your very own barren winter tree at your disposal.

Besides wire sculptures, sand sculpture and paper art, snow is another medium from which you can create your own customized snow masterpieces. During winter, instead of just playing snow ball, learn some snow sculpture ideas and find out how to build a snowman. So, this holiday have the most fun by letting your creating juices flow.

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