Friday, May 14, 2010

"Acoustic Flood:" Song for a Friday

Ok, it's late, but still worth a listen.

My son Jon, Booboo, wrote and played and recorded this for me for Mother's Day.

It's a song: "Acoustic Flood," but I rather prefer the title, "Mom's Song."  Just for me.  It's acoustic guitar, one of my favs....and it's tailored to me, for me, because I fuss at him to play "something nice."  Jon is very creative and loves to spend every waking moment a good bit of time fiddling with his music stuff.  Often however he asks me to listen to his latest creation or some music that he and his friends were making and that he recorded.  Often that music is, um, LOUD, and ELECTRONIC, or RAP and just too hard for my old stodgy ears, I guess. That's when I fuss and say, "Good...but, oh, play me something nice."  He usually rolls his eyes and says, "I am!"  And around we go, but with a smile.

So for Mother's Day this year, he did it. Jon played me "something nice." He made me smile, and he made me start to cry.  Because THIS sound is my son, my Booboo, and his playing makes my heart kinda burst.

Have a listen, it's a treat {h/t to Marc}:

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