Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tattoo Darling v.2

Mimsy Gleeson
This girl has got so many things going for her that I can't not mention her in my blog. She does work from a studio but is known for tattooing out of her vintage trailer at events such as Wintersun and Greazefest. Hence the name Mimsy's Trailer Trash Tattoos. She does the cutest mix of pin ups, zombies, cupcakes, lipsticks, hair dryers, perfumes and other girly creations. She recently got to tattoo the sweetest and sexiest pinup there is Sabina Kelly when she was out her for the Sydney Tattoo Convention. I think i'll shoot her an email to get tattooed at this years Greazefest...
Oh I almost forgot you might recognise her from the SBS documentary Roller Derby Dolls skating under Mimsy Mayhem.

Pics from here and here.

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