Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is the Plane

Not the greatest pic, it was early and on a phone..but its them.

This is the plane.
This is the plane that took the team to Haiti.

 This is the pilot.
This is the pilot that flew the plane.
This is the pilot that answered the call.
This is the pilot that answered the call, that flew the plane, that took the team to Haiti.

These are (some of) the pallets.
These are the pallets that are part of the supplies.
These are the pallets that are part of the supplies, that were flown by the pilot, that answered the call, to fly the plane, to take the team to Haiti.

This is the team.
(photo h/t: Cindy)
This is the team that went with the pallets, that were flown by the pilot, that answered the call, to fly the plane, to take the team to Haiti.

You get the idea.  (Sorry, it's been that kind of week, getting punchy.)
It's a team effort and a logistical nightmare to get a team to Haiti!
But I want to throw out a "hooray for you" and special notice to the pilot here.
He answered a call, at the last minute, for help.

Tom and the team arrived in Fort Lauderdale expecting to fly out early yesterday morning (wed the 27th).  The private corporate jet that was scheduled to take them to Jacmel was snagged by, um, corporate stuff of some sort.  So there they were, w/ over a ton of supplies: 3/4 ton medical, food, etc.

All ready to go.
But no plane no plane!
Finally this pilot came through.
ALL the way from DALLAS!
He flew in, and they were racing the sun.
They had to get the plane loaded and refueled in time to land and take off in Jacmel.  No runway lights in Jacmel, of course.  Well, it wasn't happening.  The sun was setting.  But this morning, they did it.

They took off.  Cheering all around.

And the other part that no one will ever see is that this pilot, Mike Gibson, will also make a second trip today.  That second trip is just as important as the first.  All those supplies couldn't fit on that plane, and the team, in one trip.  So he is dropping the first load and the team, returning to Ft. Lauderdale, loading the rest up and flying back to Jacmel.  Today.  Before the sun sets again.  Whew. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Good for him!

Good for him for doing this, at huge personal expense - both time AND money.
So I want to say hooray for him!
If you need a small plane and are in the area,  go use his biz.
I'm thinking he's a good guy, a good egg.

So, Mike, thank you!
That's Michel Gibson,  of Michels Aviation

Coffeedoc and the team did!

And I just got a text, they are in Jacmel, Haiti, safe and sound.  
Thanks Mike!

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