Sunday, August 23, 2009


There are perks to having a teen son.
Yes, sometimes you have to put up with the "stone face," above.
But other times you get to take advantage of some of the which I mean, the friends.
Nice friends drop in, visit this teen boy, and hang around the house with him.

In this instance, I am specifically referring to a certain cute sweet girl, great friends with my Booboo. She has a kind and generous heart and has moved right to the top of my "You're awesome" list.
See, on Friday night, Booboo was persuaded to take his new sister Marta to the school's first official football game of the season. Coffeedoc was going too, but as team doc he had to be on the field. The Prima Diva, also known as Bananas, was all too busy being a social butterfly to watch the game.

So I knew we needed to pull in the big guns: the big brother. He agreed to take her to the game and sit with her and keep her company - Marta loves football {so far}.
What I didn't expect was that his girlfriend would gladly sit and visit with Marta, look at pictures on her Ipod, and help her find the way through the big school to the restroom even. When I thanked her today (as she visited the house), she said easily "It was my pleasure." Aw, gracious too.

Marta came home grinning from ear to ear, and talking in a rapid mix of Amharic and English about her "great brother" and his "konjo beautiful good nice friend, oh mom, she's good nice beautiful, happy happy, good night." So, now Marta thinks this girl hung the moon.
So do I.

That's one of the delightful unexpected bonuses of having teens in the house: the remarkable nice friends. {You're right Booboo: totally blogable.}
I'd say pretty, inside and out.

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