Friday, July 31, 2009

Freebie Friday

Vacation time is here! And I can’t get the smile off my face.
There a bunch of blogs I didn’t get to check tonight, so I will be back will a lot more tomorrow. I’m off to bed now, so I have lots of energy for Damien tomorrow.
Cheers, Angie aka IkeaGoddess


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Comic Con True Blood Preview

Kara just left the best video link in the comments. Thank you.
Check it out here:
PS. 1:23 That is definitely blond hair laying behind Sookie in bed, yes :-)

Wednesday’s freebies

Girlfriends, I’m in the writing mode at the moment, so I will strike that iron while it is still hot. Here are just a few of the gorgeous freebies out there today.
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Alphas & Wordart:

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Now ladies, before I leave for work, I just have to give you a little treat.
This morning I found a delicious True Blood video showing the Bill-Sookie-Eric love triangle, and it features my absolute favorite song at the moment, Think Twice by Eve6. So as a little eye-candy to go along with your coffee – I present his hotness himself – Eric.

PS. hop to 1:22 for my favorite scene. 3 seconds of heaven.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday’s freebies

OMG, OMG, OMG OMG, OMG, OMG, …OMFG. I just saw the latest episode of True Blood. Man, was that one hell of a cliffhanger. Awesome character development all the way around in this episode. But that new side of Bill, damn, that was hot. I want to see more of that and of Eric of course. I can never get enough of Eric. From what I’ve read googleing him is that in the books him and Sookie have a thing. My next amazon order is definitely going to include those books. And what about Jessica and Hoyt, aren’t they just the cutest? They have that innocence of youth thing going. So sweet.
Only 3 more work days to go till our summer break starts. I can’t wait. I so need time off. And I just have a feeling these holidays will be filled with laughter. Hopefully the weather stays like it is at the moment, nice and warm and sunny with an occasional thunderstorm. Just how I like it. We have a bunch of rainy day activities lined up in the closer area, but I hope we won’t be needing all of them. Other than that I just want to play and spend some time with my family. Damien and my skateboards should be arriving by the end of this week and I can’t wait to go skating with him. I wonder how many band-aids we will go through…I think I may have to stock up on those.

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Call to Action

More from McLane Layton. Please, once again, call, write, visit. Let them know, these kids are our kids.


Since this petition was launched on June 30th it has received over 1600 signatures! Please take a moment and continue to support the FACE Act legislation (S.1359 and H.R. 3110) by calling your Senators and Representative on Tuesday (tomorrow), Wednesday and Thursday. It is imperative that they hear that this legislation is important to you, their constituents.

Read below for how to make your voice be heard.
FACE Act - Call to Action
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday call your three Members of Congress (two in the Senate and one in the House of Representatives).
You can find your Representative at
You can find you Senators' at
Ask to speak with the Legislative Director or Chief of Staff
For maximum effect, we are asking you to make these calls within this 72-hour window!

What should you say or write to your Members of Congress?

This is an issue that is critical to our internationally adopted children, so speak from your heart. Tell them why internationally adopted children of American citizens need automatic U.S. citizenship from the time their adoption is final and why this is so important to you!

Ask your Senators and Representatives to become a Co-Sponsor of the FACE Act.
If you are speaking to a Senate office, provide them with the bill number S.1359.
If you are speaking to a House member, provide them with the bill number H.R. 3110.

Please feel free to use the following text as a guideline when speaking with your Members of Congress:

"As a constituent of we are requesting that you support the Foreign Adopted Children Equality Act (FACE Act) by becoming a Co-Sponsor of the legislation. For information on becoming a Co-Sponsor, please contact Senator Mary Landrieu, Senator James Inhofe, Representative Diane Watson or Representative John Boozman. Thank you for representing your constituents by becoming a Co-Sponsor of the FACE Act."


Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday’s freebies

8:45pm Ladies, I’m not sure if I will be able to make it through my entire google reader list today. I’m so tangled up the ending of I love LA I just can’t stop reading. It is a happy ending and I know I’m going to enjoy every word of it.
9:48 Just laughed my ass of at a line in chapter 37. These 2 best girl friends are shit-talking over lunch and it is so funny. So if you read it and get to the line “Oh I know, I just wanted to make you say it” you will know exactly how hard I just laughed.
10:19 Blissed out. Soaking up the gooey goodness of a happy ending. It’s Christmas and love is in the air. It’s so good, I think Christmas will never be the same. And have I mentioned the fantastic playlist every new scene comes with. Ohhh, I can’t wait for the presents….
10:31 Ok now I have tears in my eyes, happy tears.
10:37 I think I will never be able to listen to Firestarter from The Prodigy again without those images in my head. OMG
10:52 just restarted my heart. 

Now I’m off to find some freebies,… et voilà Enjoy

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Hurdlers by misspiepie, flkr

Well, today we are at the official, two week home mark. And, oddly, enough, I think we are making some small baby steps of progress. On my part, I have gotten off schedule in my private personal schedule of weepy tension and/or fear meltdowns, missing a day off the every other informal pattern. Hoorah! Odd, you say, perhaps. I know, I didn't expect this myself - but there you have it. I'm marking this as a positive babystep forward however, into a new normal.

We have had to correct a behavior, just like we do with our other kids. What do ya know? Another kid in the house = parenting. What are the odds? Ha. It had created some upset and then we made clear the expected behavior and also got a true apology and forgave. Now, that's pretty SOP for our house: you get in trouble, parent or other kid gets upset, you apologize, are forgiven and the rules are made clear, then we all move on. And just going through that makes it feel a tiny bit more normal, oddly enough.

For now, and surely for some time to come, our biggest hurdle - Marta's biggest hurdle - is language.

And make no mistake, this is like an Olympic event for her and for us all. This is a difference, I think, between adopting a younger child and a much older one. A teen will make this speech swap slower than a much younger kid, especially if they have not had any language learning beforehand. This slower acquisition impacts, well, every bit of the adjustment process.

We have an ESL tutor on tap to come over about three times a week, starting in a week or so. We have Rosetta Stone for English (And let me just give a little quickie review: difficult program in a way if you don't already READ english and a little glitchy and a pain in the backside to get into the meat of the program - have to click through many screens before you start. And if you don't know the language that means someone else has to click for you, grrrr). And we have multiple copies of the best dictionary we've come across, Concise Amharic Dictionary (thanks Cami!). We also have a great site for word by word translating that is fast. We are watching movies together to jump start that language familiarity and I talk with her through the grocery store and as we drive around on errands, describing most of the things we are doing.

But speech, actual speaking, is the biggest hurdle. Marta is uncomfortable trying out her speech and really, wants to listen and then give us an amharic word or two to clarify. We have to push her, with a smile, to repeat the english version of the word: e.g. "desta" = "happy," say "happy," and so on. I think she is just very shy and unsure of herself with this. We understand that. But as I told her this morning on our walk, the more she talks, the easier it will be.

But oh, such a hurdle and I don't know how to help her much. Except to help her stretch out and try. And try again. And again. They say it will come. We all wait in great anticipation for it to start, trying to be patient, but just wanting to be able to really talk with her.

I want to hold conversations, that's my best way to really get to know anyone. One of the hard things about this adoption and the bonding is I can't really get to know her without talking, without this conversation. The silence is deafening in a way. We are both, all, trying to learn and use our other senses to make those connections, but as you probably have gathered by now....I am a ridiculously verbal gal. Yes, I talk a lot. I want the noisy yakking and small teasing and chatting of talking - even simple sentences and words. I know this is the "all about me me me" version; but I think that Marta yearns for talking together too. I think she's just too unsure of these strange new sounds to be confident enough to let fly.

So we are all bruising our shins a bit on the hurdles of language, but trying hard to push and help and clear them so we can run this race together.

Because a family is at the finish line.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book & Bed

I have an idea for my story I want to work on before I forget it. Total scatterbrain on this end of the screen. So I won't be freebie hunting tonight. I'll be back tomorrow with freebie links. So I'm off to bed early with my journal (yep, I'm totally old-school when it comes to writing, and type it off later).
Hope you all had a great weekend. My was just awesome. Friday a good friend came over for some chatting and beer (thanks again for all those comments on me spilling my guts like that. You are the best. Cross my heart and hope to die. Love ya). Saturday Damien went to visit Chris' parents, while we helped a friend from work set up his new apartment. He has recently split from his wife and small girl and just starting out new. God, I hope he gets through this OK and finds someone new. He is a sweet and funny hard working guy who really deserves someone good for him. He basically didn't take anything with him and went just all IKEA. From the entire kitchen to drawers through kid's bed and chairs to bookshelves and desks. I was in H-E-A-V-E-N. My power screw driller always at my side, I was having so much fun. I was a goddess in her element. Which reminds me that I have to buy a WonderWoman Tshirt. And there were yummy beer mixes too. There were also a hand full of friends and family helping put together all the furniture. We were done way too fast for my liking. I would have stayed till he kicked me out. But Chris and our friend and driver wanted to go home. Chris' mom called to us that she expected us to come by and have dinner, great BBQ bytheway, and to enjoy are couple hours of us time till then. And I did. Sunday morning all three of us snuggled in bed, then we made scrambled eggs for breakfast and Chris went to work. Damien and I just goofed off. He told me stories and we play acted them. I love it when I have time for that. Just let everything else be as it may and play for hours on the couch with matchbox cars and listen to Damiens ridiculous stories of what is actually happening at this moment. He has a fun mind and is quite clever if I may say so. When Chris came home in the afternoon, I was almost through watching the first third of Star Wars Episode 1 - The Fantom Menace. His first time. I think I was more excited than he was. I can't wait to hear what his mind comes up with given this kind of input. We starting about me expaining to Damien the main charachters and the storyline of Star Wars, and moved on to watching youtube videos of the Luke-Yoda-Jeditraining sequence. He loved it. So now we are watching it in three parts spread over a couple days. That way he has time to process and we can talk about it on the way to kindergarten. It was a little hard for him to realize that Yoda wasn't there in every shot, but he really liked the racing scene. Then I took him out to the playground. His friend from our street didn't have time to tag along, so just Damien and me went. First there were no kids there, but after a bit 3 smaller kids came with their parents. None were in the speaking age, so after 2 hours Damien actually asked me if we could go home. Usually I have to drag him home. It really used to be diffent when I was a kid. There were kids everywhere. Now there is one other kid his age on our entire street of 30 2-family houses. Makes me sad sometimes. So instead of going inside we grabbed a bowl and went picking blackberries for dessert. There are huge bushes growing free in the back of our house. And they're sooo good. At home again in time for dinner and daddy took over, dinner (grilled cheese sandwich) and all. I had time read a fabulous story I started this week. Its called I Love LA by feathersmmmm. It's a love story staring Mr Pattinson himself. I wasn't that interested to start it, but I had read so many good references to it, so I thought should give it a try. And I did and have been hooked since. Its basically a love story between Rob and a 33 year old. And it is beautifully written and hillarious and sweet and sexy, but not in the full frontal sluttiness sort of way. She has a choice of words that is enspiring. So if you are interested, look here. But I warn you, you could get hooked just like I am. So now I'm off to bed.
See ya tomorrow
Cheers, IkeaGoddess

Friday, July 24, 2009

stupid slightly drunk woman

I can’t believe I just hit the publish button *hitting head on desk , repeatedly*. I wanted to wait till catching so Zzzs and then edit and proof read with a clear head in the morning. It was a nice thought anyway. Guess I blew that one. Definitely need to go to bed now. My Love is waiting.

Inside I’m 23

Its 1:21am and I’m sitting alone in front of the PC, mellowing down a bit. I just had one of the best evenings in a looong time. A really good friend of ours came over and we just had a great time chatting, nicking a few beers and stuff, talking about the now, and the old times together and even of the childhood days where we did not know each other. Just sharing our little stories with each other and laughing our asses off at how embarrassing it was in retrospect.
I’m a bit tipsy so I better excuse now for anything I might write. Not only do I then sometimes loose all sense of sentence structure, I actually forget words. I try to imagine that my mind just works faster than my fingers;-) I should add I’m the talkative type. Cautious in new situations, but once I feel secure, I talk, I rattle, total girl in that way. Problem is, I hang with guys. Always have, mostly… And as there are absolutely no girls available of my two girl friends. You’re stuck with me. Its OK if you don’t wanna read this, I’m just in a chatty mood. Last chance, exit now!
This could be a long one, I’m still giddy and have an almost full bottle of beer left. Beck’s green Lemon by the way. If you can get, try it. The perfect summer drink ever. Beer, the non-bitter type mixed with lemon, ice cold. Water dripping down the outside of the bottle on a still warm summer night. Flash of the old Coca-cola Light (diet coke in the states) guy. Boy, did I looove that commercial. Fu*#ing hot. Oups, I better excuse any use of strong language now and for the near future. I wasn’t kidding when I said I had the mouth of a trooper. I try to hide it most of the time, but not tonight. So last warning, I don’t know how much longer I can restrain the little devil on the inside. Feel free to exit now.
Now where was I before my mind drifted off. quick reread Ahhh, my day. I got up in the morning to a still cool summer night, it had rained during the night, and helped Damien get ready for kindergarten. Chris had to be at work by 7:45am, so they have to leave by 7 on their bicycles. As soon as I waved good bye and watched them ride our driveway, I turned 180 degrees and fell back in bed. Heaven, pure bliss. I have been pulling back to back late shifts, working through the weekends. And today I pretty much didn’t have that much to do at work. So with plenty of overtime on my back, and with no meetings today, I slept. I haven’t had more than 6h of sleep since,…I can’t even remember, damn. Well often its just been around 4h. So right now I am wiiiiiide awake. Chris is already in bed. He was almost fast asleep on the couch by 12:30. To be fair he is on the early shift, poor guy. I do feel sorry for him putting up with me. Sometimes. ;-) One the other hand he is just type that goes to a party, has fun and leaves early. I was always with the last bunch. Occasionally kicked out.
I sooo deserved this. So I slept till 11am. By now the sun was out, I was in a good mood. I love summer. Ever since I was in New Orleans a semester, I feel good in summer. I decided on an over the knee comfy pair of thin black cargo shorts, paired with one of my favorite black Ts, and my ever present pair of converse. I am so not the dress-up type. Never was. I can clean up nice, no questions asked – my mom is a fun shopoholic, so one or the other thing did stick. So mom, if you are reading this, I love you and not all was lost - but no one said it had to be fun. Luckily I have a job where jeans, Ts, and sneakers are the dress code. That is my world.
With my still wet hair from my late morning shower under a hat keeping me brilliantly cool and donning a ridiculously huge black pair of sunglasses, I walked to work. I only have a 15min brisk walk to work, so I only buy a streetcar ticket in the winter. In converse it is easily tackled. In heels I would die. I only own *don’t throw things at me* o-n-e pair of heels *duck*. However I do have 4 pairs of converse in my daily rotation. In that regard, I am a guy with girl parts.
I have perfected my summer playlist and was walking along the side walk, mouthing and maybe singing parts in a low whisper. I really am a bad singer, but I can’t contain my self sometimes. I was happy. And the best thing about it was I knew it. I fully realized it. I have a crooked mind, and can actually step back and watch me from the outside, analyze, decide and then just am. And today I decide to be happy. And I was out of my mind happy, fuck I still am for that matter. Every thing went so smooth. I was in the door for lunch time. Barely, but it was just so nice outside. I may have skipped a couple of times on my way to work. Mind only on the more secluded parts of my way, not long the main street. Not that kind of crazy here.
So I grabbed my tupper full of freshly cut pineapple. I’m doing pretty good on my diet, feeling a lot better about myself with a couple pounds less on my back. I didn’t even change that much actually. Instead of eating the canteen food on my lunch break, I just take some fruit or yogurt to work and eat that. Of course that require me to a) have fruit in the house, requires shopping *flinch- here was the bad word again*, b) have a clean tupper to put it all in, and c) get my sorry excuse of an ass out of bed in time to actually prepare it. Since Chris has been really supportive about the a) part, never saying anything. Just we now almost always have fruit in the house. That’s the stuff that matters. Right there. God I love this man. Can you believe that right now I am on the verge of tears, Death Cab for Cutie, I will follow you into the dark, playing soflty in the back ground, because I am sooo lucky to be right where I am. At his side. I actually pinch myself sometimes – like a 3 year old to check if I’m not dreaming. And I have the marks to prove it too.
Enough of the schmalz, with a) pretty much down-packed, with not much work required on my part I might add, we come to b). We truly share the housework between us. We both have our strong sides, but it is evened out. Not saying that we actually succeed in doing house work. Often we don’t. But we are pretty much cool with it. Sometimes I loose it when I am in a rush and am looking or better frantically tearing clothes out of the pile in the corner of our bedroom, still in the laundry basket, never making it back into our closet. But other than that I’m pretty much cool. I guess having lived almost 10 years with different roommates during my university years has helped lower my standards. All the girls I know have very organized households and secretly I dream of it, but I never seem to make it happen. Something is always more important. When I pair that with the fact that most guys are slobs, at least the ones I know, some just hide it better than others, I guess I’m the guy with the girl parts again. *chuckle* Sometimes when I panic like that, I haven’t been a total pain in Chris’ sexy ass, he actually lovingly laughs at me when I let my freak out. Have I mentioned just how much I love my guy. mmmhhhhh
Which brings us to the dreaded letter c). Me and my sorry excuse of an ass getting out of bed in time. That is the real problem. Especially in weeks like these past ones with my inner clock totally screwed. But if I look it in the eye, I’m just lazy. I mean I could be up at 3:30 am (which OMG is the time right now. Shit, I gotta speed this up. Gotta get a few zzzs for tomorrow or actually today.) washing, chopping bits of fruit, and putting it into containers. Right? Or I could be online and relaxing. You know who wins that one. So I end up having to get out of bed in time to make my food for work. And I can proudly say as of late I pretty much succeeded. And I have lost 10 pound in the process. 10 down – 20 to go before summer 2010. I have added a few pounds to my pre-Damien weight as my goal weight, but not too much. I always had the same weight since being a teen and never had to do anything about it. I ate shit loads of bad food for years and I basically always weighed the same, plus minus 5-6 pounds. With Damien I gained 80 pounds, and was definitely no longer petite. What can I say I was really hungry during pregnancy, right from the start. Never having morning sickness. And I slowed down, which was probably good for Damien as I am naturally bouncy. 40p came down during the first year after birth. But these last 20 I really have to work for. It sucks having to do that. Why can’t my body be 20 again? I can see the 40 waving at me with a smirk on her face, saying because you aren’t. So instead I try a bit harder.
I had a new pair of jogging shoes in a box screaming at me for years, and a new months ago every now I got em out and since then I go jogging in a nearby woods. And I love it. As a teen I was on a track team, I was a middle distance runner. Not top notch, but not bad. As a teen equipped with a walkman, I loved to get away from it all for a bit. And while jogging I could do just that. And as I have come realize, I still can. Not only the me time makes jogging so perfect to me, but actually having done sports is a great side effect.
Today I picked up Damien from kindergarten and we chatted on the way home. He makes up the funniest stories. He is in the why? stage of his life and questions everything. Given the information, he makes his own little view of the world. He can analyze the color of a passing ambulance at great length, sharing his train of thoughts concluding, that it must have been in an accident and the car repair company had sold out white paint. Red was taken by the fire dept., green and blue by the police, and orange by the street cleaners, dump trucks. So the ambulance could then only be yellow.  What can I say. That’s my boy. He tickles me to death.
At home Chris took over and had dinner with Damien and got him ready for bed. I am so in love with him. Sorry to repeat myself, but seriously could he get any better? *pinch – no, not dreaming*
I got my jogging clothes on and hit play on my mp3. Again my summer playlist. I went 7km. I walk a lot in between, but those parts are getting shorter. Sometimes I can even push myself far enough to get a bit high. Endorphins are fun little things. And today was one of this days. Back home I had time to search some freebies while cooling off and then headed for a brilliant hot shower. I wrote a bit, working out an idea I had today. Then our good old friend N. came by. I’ve known him since working with him at a movie theater as students. Btw, that is where I first laid eyes on Chris too. No, no love in first sight story. Better. Anyway Chris has know him since in his teens. He is just one of those easy going laid back kind of guys. Liked him from the start. And did we laugh our asses off today. How I wish that were truly possible….
So looking back at this day I can only say it was perfect. Brighter than sunshine. Blissfully happy. God, that feels fucking good.
So choose happy.
Wishing you a fun weekend.

Freebie Friday

Ladies, its a short list today. A good friend of ours is coming over so this is all I could find till he stopped by.
Wishing you a fun weekend :-)
PS. to see the best wedding entry dance ever go to Miss Mint’s blog. It’s f*%#ing hilarious.


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