Sunday, October 31, 2010

Novena to St. Jude, Day Nine

Today is the ninth and final day of our petition to St. Jude!  I am so grateful for the chance to pray for his assistance and for  your company on this novena.  Thank you!

Intention to St. Jude
St. Jude, with confidence, hope, and a grateful heart, I conclude these nine days of healing prayer. Bring hope in the midst of suffering. Help me to retain the faith in our Lord that sustained you in your earthly life. On this final day of our Novena together, give me the courage to follow Christ wherever He leads.

Prayer to St. Jude
Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
- These special intentions-
and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.


May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Novena to St. Jude, Day Eight

Today we begin the eighth of nine days of Solemn Novena prayer to St. Jude.

Intention to St. Jude
St. Jude, the cross I carry feels too heavy for me right now, and I feel discouraged by its weight. Intercede for me so that I may know God’s comfort in my life and that I may love God until someday I am singing God’s praises with you and all the saints in heaven.

Prayer to St. Jude
Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
-These special intentions-
and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.


May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary)

Friday, October 29, 2010


This one is for my Booboo.
Just for fun and to energize for the weekend (but don't try this at school booboo!).

I mean...just wow.

{h/t the always great Jen}

Novena to St. Jude, Day Seven

Today we give ourselves over to trust in God as we begin the seventh of nine days of Solemn Novena prayer to St. Jude.

Intention to St. Jude
Throughout your days, St. Jude, you remained faithful to the truths you learned at the side of Jesus. Bless me with courage, faith, and hope. Help me to tune out the distractions of the world to make this time of prayer meaningful.

Prayer to St. Jude
Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
 -These special intentions-
and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.


May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary

Slam Dunking NBA Babes

These NBA babes have several things going for them. For one they are all very beautiful. For another they are all very athletic. In addition, they look good while jumping.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Novena to St. Jude, Day Six

As we begin the sixth of nine days of Solemn Novena prayer today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Jude as we offer our petitions together. We recognize how our Novena to St. Jude makes us stronger in all kinds of ways.

Intention to St. Jude
St. Jude, you proved your love for Christ by spending your life working for God’s kingdom. Through your prayers, keep me in the love of Jesus. I ask this through the love of God and the Holy Spirit as well as of our mother, Mary, the Mother of God.

Prayer to St. Jude
Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
-These special intentions-
and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.


May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Bday Hannah Banana!

My first daughter, Hannah Banana is fifteen today!
Oh My Goodness!
I know, I know, I say it all the time, but really, ya just don't get used to it..this whole kid getting older thing. I mean, you DO, but  you don't.
Not me, anyhow.

Then again, she is an amazing fifteen!
My Hannah.
She is dragging me today to the driver's station to take that test, of course.
And I will let her drag me and hope she will pass the test, and I suspect she will.
Because she is smart, and what's more, she has a good feel for the road and the car (in the few parking lot sessions we've  had). 
That said, I can't even look ahead to sixteen and on the road, because it makes me a nervous wreck.  But that's next year's post! So, back to this day, this momentous day.

Hannah was our first daughter, hence, our entire universe and understanding of same was rocked that morning she came into the world! Indeed, the heavens opened up and clapped thunder and lightening  to announce her arrival.  We should'a taken it as a sign, no?  Yes.  Because this sweet fifteen year old girl is all about taking the world by storm.  She is a drama queen in all the good ways, and only a few of the not so good ways....(but it's all her age and I'm quite sure she will grow right out of that.....)..and always has been.

Our Hannah is big-hearted, beautiful, loud, wonderful, moody, smart, strong-willed and just plain good.
She loves her school and her friends to distraction, literally.

She loves to cheer and loves her squad.
She loves to sing and play music.
She loves to sun and swim and boat.
She loves the beach, maybe more than anywhere else.

She loves to text and talk and text some more.
She loves to watch bad tv and stay up late.
She loves to go to the movies, almost any movie we will allow, any time we will allow.
She hates when we don't allow her to go to movies.
She thinks we are too strict.
She is almost at the point of "knowing everything."
 But not quite.
However, she is at the point now of "texting everything."
She loves to read and can get lost in books, just like her mama.

She loves a rollercoaster, then and now.
She loves to cook, sometimes, and sometimes, loves to invent new yummy recipes.
She is a terrific and loyal friend.

She is a terrific and loyal sister.
She is a terrific and loyal daughter.

She is artistic and creative and loves art and music.
She is a terrible mess in her room and her things; organization is not her strong suit.

She loves to travel and see the world, like her dad.
She loves her faith and is courageous in defending it.
She loves to debate, anything, from current events to apologetics, or fashion or curfew.
She is opinionated and really, couldn't be anything otherwise, coming from this gene set.
She is not shy, she is extroverted, outgoing and blows my mind at that.
She could be called a wee bit headstrong.
She is a talker, like me, which can be a blessing or a curse (as I know so well).

She worries her brother - that she will become the standard modern teen diva.
But I know better, she is not that.
She is more.
My Hannah blows me away with her integrity and compassion and willingness to step outside the box.....and I can't wait to see what she grows into as she truly comes into her truest self.
She is well on her way.
And her dad and I couldn't be more proud.

 So today on her birthday, we both want her to know how proud we are of her, and how very much, we love her.
And that, yes, the drivers testing station is open til five.

Novena to St. Jude, Day Five

Today we begin the fifth of nine days of Solemn Novena prayer with St. Jude. This day we remember all those for whom we have promised to pray.

Intention to St. Jude
St. Jude, I pray that all who are lonely, depressed, or despairing may know the saving presence of a loving God and the concern and support of family and friends.

Prayer to St. Jude
Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
-These special intentions-
and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.


May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen

St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.

Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity.

(say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hot American Cheerleaders

These hot cheerleaders are from Southern and Latin America. There they are known as Porristas. Regardless of what they are called, these scantily clad babes are gorgeous. Just goes to show you that hot babes can be found anywhere.
