Friday, August 27, 2010

Exfoliate Lips

Exfoliate Lips

Exfoliation is the first step of any skin care regimen. Lips are a part of skin and they also keep depositing layers of dead cells on them. Therefore, lips require exfoliation on a regular basis. This frees them from the cell debris accumulated on their surface and makes the pores available for moisturizing. Regular exfoliation keeps the lips healthy, soft and smooth. The need to exfoliate lips increases during winter as they loose their natural oils and moisture to the atmosphere. Exfoliating the layer of dead cells is necessary to make the lips able to absorb moisture provided by you. The market is flooded with skin care products specially designed to exfoliate lips. But before spending a good sum of money on commercial lip exfoliants, you should give a shot to some homemade recipes for exfoliating lips. Read the following account to learn about some of them.

How to Exfoliate Lips at Home

Method 1: Take a teaspoon of sugar, preferably brown sugar, in a small bowl and add little amount of olive oil to it. Mix both the ingredients well to make a paste. Apply this mixture on your lips to massage in circular motion. Do it gently and slowly. Do it for at least 2-3 minutes. This is sufficient to exfoliate lips intensely. Do not rub lips harshly or for too long as you may end up with chapped lips with sores. After you are done with massaging, rinse your lips well with warm water. Apply a lip balm or petroleum jelly right after washing your lips with water. This will moisturize and provide the-much-required fatty acids to your lips. Your lips are bound to feel soft and smooth. More on exfoliate lips with sugar.

Method 2: Take a lemon and cut it into small slices. Take a small slice and put some sugar on it. Rub this lemon slice with sugar on it on your lips. Do it lightly and softly for about a minute. Wash the lips with ice cold water. Apply 1-2 drops of honey on your lips right after washing with cold water. Allow the honey to stay on the lips for 5-8 minutes. Rinse the lips off well with warm water. Now, apply petroleum jelly or lip balm on your lips. Performance of all the given steps exfoliates lips and provides the much-needed moisture and fatty acids. Doing it once every ten days will keep your lips soft, gentle and shiny.

Method 3: Take a teaspoon of baking soda, and mix it with 1-2 drops of water. You may experiment with the quantities of these two ingredients until their mixture attains a pasty consistency. Take a toothbrush with straight and soft bristles or a piece of washcloth to take some of the prepared paste on it. Rub the toothbrush or washcloth gently on your lips in circular motion. Do it for not more than 2 minutes. Once you are done, wash your lips with water. Apply a good quality lip balm or petroleum jelly after washing the lips. Providing moisture to the lips is very important as baking soda and water takes away the same and oils from deeper layers of your lips. Use this method for exfoliating lips once a week in order to keep chapped and dry lips at bay.

Method 4: Take a toothbrush with straight but soft bristles. Put a small amount of petroleum jelly on it. Rub the toothbrush on your lips and do it in circular motion for about 1-2 minutes. Leave the petroleum jelly on the lips for a half hour. Rubbing with toothbrush exfoliates the dead skin accumulated on the surface of the lips. You may use a small piece of washcloth in place of toothbrush to get the same result. The petroleum jelly moisturizes your lips and makes them soft, gentle and smooth to touch. You may exfoliate lips with toothbrush in this manner twice a week to maintain the health of your lips.

Method 5: Mix 1-2 drops of olive oil to a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. The purpose is to make a gritty paste. Apply this paste on your lips and massage them with it in circular motion. Make sure that the massaging time does not exceed 2 minutes. During the process, you may swallow a bit of pepper, which will taste hot. Try to tolerate it as cayenne pepper is believed to be excellent for the health of the lips in the long run. When you are done with massaging, rinse your lips well with plenty of cold water. As suggested in all the above methods, here also, you should immediately apply petroleum jelly or lip balm. You may repeat it after a period of 15 days. This method will surely exfoliate lips and will bring the softness and smoothness back to your lips. Read more on ways to exfoliate lips at home.

It is advisable to try the above given natural ways on how to exfoliate lips during nighttime. This will prevent your rubbing the petroleum jelly or lip balm off. Make sure that you keep your lips well moisturized during daytime as well. Always remember, the condition of your lips indicates a lot about your personality. Therefore, do your level best to keep them in a good state.

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