Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ear Piercing Care

Ear Piercing Care

After you have pierced you ear, you must also learn to take care of the new jewelry and your pierced ear. Sometimes, the ear turns red accompanied by swelling and frequent bleeding from the ear. This might happen due to improper handling of the ear ring or incorrect piercing technique. Inflammation occurs if you fail to handle it with care. Therefore, ear piercing care is extremely important to avoid these contagions. Read more on ear piercing aftercare.

Ear Piercing Care Tips

Check out the following list to know the ear piercing care methods. New ear piercing care is the same whether you have pierced the earlobe, tragus, rook or the helix of your ear. These are simple and easy to follow ways to take care of your ear after getting a ear piercing done.
  • The earring should be a high quality metal. The metal should suit your skin type and should not cause infection to your ear. Gold and silver studs are best for sensitive skin.
  • When the wound is raw, always wash your hands before touching it to avoid spread of infections.
  • Try to move or rotate the ear ring few times in a day, to avoid sticking it to your ear hole and making it stiff.
  • To avoid pain and swelling open the ear rings before going to bed if it hurts you while lying down.
  • Clean the piercing with ear care antiseptic using a cotton swab. Spread the solution in the cotton swab and smoothly wipe the piercing zone.
  • You can also visit the piercing salon to check up if the piercing is healing soon. Know more about infected ear piercing treatment.
  • Do not use artificial metals unless the piercing has healed completely. Changing the jewelry might cause intense pain and even bleeding at times.
  • To get rid of the pain, you can soak sea salts in warm water and take a hot compress.
  • Saline compress also helps to get rid of the accumulated lymph on the piercing.
  • You hair should not disturb the piercing as this can cause infection due to presence of dirt, oil, dry flake in your hair.
  • Vitamin B and zinc quicken the healing process and boost immunity.
  • Keep the pillow covers clean to avoid transmittance of dirt and bacteria while sleeping. Avoid sleeping sideways.
  • Try to protect the piercing initially from haircare products like shampoo, conditioners, soaps, etc to avoid irritation and inflammation.
  • Be careful while using headphones, telephones and mobiles initially. Make sure they do not come in contact with the piercing until it has healed.
  • Upper ear piercing care is more important than earlobe, as this area is more sensitive than the rest part of the ear. Never play with the jewelry until the wound has healed completely.
  • Never use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to accelerate the healing process. They cause scarring in the piercing zone.
  • Avoid applying ointment on the piercing as it slows down healing and keeps the piercing wet.
Ear Piercing Care for Babies

Ear piercing at a tender age is very utile as it heals quickly and also causes minimal pain. Baby skin is very gentle and sensitive, so intensive care is needed after the ear piercing. Take proper precautions before piercing and follow these baby ear piercing aftercare tips.
  • Do not go for gun shot piercing. Take your baby to a pediatric piercing clinic.
  • Clean the wound immediately with alcohol or spirit.
  • Use pure gold for your baby to prevent infection.
  • Clean the wound daily with antiseptic or sanitizers.
  • Slowly turn the earnings to avoid clinging to the ear hole.
  • Do not change your baby's ear rings for a year.
  • Use cotton or soft towel to dry the ear after bath so that it doesn't hurt.
This was all about ear piercing care. The ear looks naked without jewelry. Try out the host range of ear jewelries and embellish your ear with those. Remember and follow these tips after ear piercing.

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