Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All about shoes

Calling all Shoe gals!
Ok all, I am in need of some input.  Because I am at times an indecisive, dithering fool I am giving a shout out for experienced opinions.  Reviews.  Top picks.  Ratings.

On what you ask? 
I know, what fun right? 
I love shoes, you love shoes, we all love shoes!

 At first I thought I would just use these, below, the standard go to shoe in my closet. 
 But then I realized I might need some particular shoes.....Not just any shoes, but on the PERFECT shoes to take to travel around Rome and Italy.  Yup, I'm going.  Another post on that for the details.
But for now, I need shoes! And a good functional bag (tho I'll probably go the unwieldy backpack route, since I'll be working the mom angle...kiddles in tow). 

I need shoes that don't look totally dorky or orthopedic or grandmotherly or ridiculous.
I need them to be crazy comfy as I have cranky old feet with a history of plantar fasciitis from when I used to run (and it still kicks back up and complains too often).
I want them to be stylish enough to wear with skirts (not fancy date skirts, just the regular old kicking around kind of skirt I live in all summer).
But I need to walk all over and chase children and go into many churches and cafes too.
I don't want them to look too old or too young.
I want one pair to go with everything.
I want them to make my heart sing...
And I want them to only be twenty bucks.

Ok....I know...kidding. 
I realize my list is long and contradictory.
But I know a great pair is out there. 
I know it. 
If I could get away with wearing my Montrail flips all trip, I would.  But I can't.  I love these shoes, they are my favorite most comfortable summer shoes, for the past few years.  
Mine are a cute pink/orange. I love them and don't care what anyone else thinks.  But they are maybe not the Roman Holiday look, eh? Stop laughing, I realize this is an impossible dream...but admit it, don't all of you really, inside, wish you could look like that as you flit through Rome? And yeah, I'm gonna "flit" through Rome with my eight children in tow.  Audrey Hepburn would'a......don't ya think? Really. I am too. 

The little girls are gonna wear these...but they are probably too young for me, ahem.   They look totally adorable on the girls though, we have a pink, a purple, and an orange and they have happy summer skirts to go with them.  {I've been sewing...who knew? 'Nother post there too} Fun.
 The little boys will wear these, and those boys look adorable in most anything they wear, but especially these shoes.  Gabey calls them his jungle shoes and goes outside to look for tigers.  
So I need a different shoe. We don't really wanna be the dorky family that has ALL matching shoes, right? Right.

It's gonna be hot, so I don't want sweaty feet and I don't want to walk around in running shoes and skirts (I did that for 6 months with the plantar fasciitis spell, fashion be damned...but in Rome? Love to skip that).
So, what's a gal to do?
What's a mom to do? {The big guys? They can get by with their runners, they're guys!}

So, yes, this is a frivolous post.  It's all I got today.
I know you shoe gals are out there. I know a lot of you gals have traveled the world.  Surely there are some sensible clever fashionistas out there.
Help me out, leave me some suggestions, please?

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