Friday, March 19, 2010

Feast Day of St. Joseph!

Ok, we've been doing the we have the feast!! Yay! 
Its the feast of St. Joseph!!
I love a feast, everything about, fest, fete, remembering, commemorating,'s all the good stuff wrapped up into that one word, isn't it: FEAST.  Yay.  We Catholics, we love a feast!

Anyhow, you had to see it coming...ya can't do a novena without then marking the feast day, can  you? Never!  So, last year I also did a post on this great saint, on his feast day.  And since I can't redo my words or thoughts, and don't really want to, please go here to get a bit on dear St. Joseph.  As my mind continues to decline and muddle, best to return to my older posts that might be a bit more um, clear.....always!  

Anyhow, last year I wrote all about my adoption links and issues with St. Joseph.  Not HIM actually, but rather others perception of him.  I mean, give the guy some cred! He's the dad!  Ok...I begin to digress. Go read my post if you have a spark of curiosity about this from an adoptive perspective.  

This year, I just want and need to think about dear St. Joseph as dad.  As father.  As a faithful humble man, who served his God, his family, his child and community.  He didn't get a lot of attention for it, except for some seriously negative opinions and sniping in the beginning of it all regarding his bride.....  So he didn't get the kudos, he didn't get the understanding.  He was and is still misunderstood.  But, and here is the key for me: he didn't stand up and correct everyone and make sure they understood just what he was doing.  He didn't. He just went ahead and did the next thing, lived and loved deeply as the dad.  Every day.  In his little town, doing his regular job, no status, no notice, no blog.  Just, day to day, keeping on.  

So, I wonder.  He was  human.  Did he ever want to stand up on one of those tables he made (sturdy, no doubt) and holler at his little townspeople or neighbors, "Hey, I know you have all sorts of ideas about what is going on, but you're wrong.  I love her.  I love him.  He's special.  Yeah, God told me it's ok, it's right even.  So. Stop judging.  It's SO much more than you know."  Ya think???? Ok, probably not.  But, I wonder sometimes.  He's a saint, but he was human.  He's a saint not because God made him extra perfect and different than us.  He's a saint because he was faithful, even when he didn't understand.  

Saint Joseph and the Infant Christ, c. 1670-85 Giovanni Battista Gaulli

And that, that is like a whack in the head to me.
He was faithful, even when he didn't - couldn't - understand.  Because it all didn't make sense.  But he still accepted.  And gave in to this plan.  And did what he was called to do.  And he didn't whine and whinge on about it all.  He just did it.  Every day.  Every night.  As long as he was called to do it.  And that, I struggle with that.  Every day lately.  Because I always fall into the narcissistic trap of "it's all about me."  I don't think St. Joseph did that.  Which blows my mind.  

So yeah,  he's one of my heroes.  He's still misunderstood.  But, he has much to teach me.  

St. Joseph, pray for us!
Happy Feast Day!

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