Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Bday Bro!

 {That's him behind my sis, she was always stealing the show.....but they are 11 months apart so all pics tend to have them both.  This pic makes me grin.}

It's my big brother's bday today!
Happy Birthday David!

My eldest brother and the one I don't see nearly often enough.
So much so that finding current pics is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I'm going with the fun old ones.
He's a mountain man at heart, a GIA certified jeweler (I know! Cool, huh?!),  an entrepreneur now importer/exporter, and a world traveler extraordinaire.
He's the kid in our family that would alway surprise you, and at the same time, NEVER surprise you.  Because with Dave, anything could happen.

(the infamous 70's prom pic, with my beautiful sis next to him)

He was the one to strike out, on his own, across the globe.  Totally and utterly self-sufficient - an Eagle Scout you know - he was kind of an early version of "Man vs Wild" but without the gross out food stuff and the video cam strapped to his pack.
He likes to pose as a gruff curmudgeon, but he has the best of hearts under that and his twinkly eyes give him away.

(Trumpkin reminds me of my big bro, every time, just a shorter warrior version.  
It makes me smile.)

He can make me laugh til I cry, he is innately funny, always has been.
I love him to pieces and am sending him bday hugs from the south.

I miss you Dave and hope you have the best happiest of birthdays!!
I love you!

We will have cake on your behalf.
Happy Happy Bday David!

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