Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Boys are Back in Town!

 Well, almost...

Tonight, if all goes as planned.
Read that again, my boys are coming  home from college tonight!
I'm so excited.  I am, I am just pleased as punch that they are coming home tonight (No, that phrasing doesn't date me at all....jeepers!).

They are driving home together after classes tonight, hopefully the weather will clear and they will get in safe and sound.  Most of the kids will be asleep I think.  I might be too.  But I will wake up, and hustle downstairs and hug them tight, grinning and maybe blinking back a tear or two.  How do I know? Because just typing that they are coming home makes me blink back a tear or two (It's been a tough week or so, I'm just so pleased to get all my kiddos, my big guys, back in the house altogether)

So, I am prepping the house for thanksgiving.  I'm giving myself permission to kick Martha Stewart and her looming pressure ghost of insane perfectionism right OUT of my house and instead focusing on making this a calm happy peaceful thanksgiving, big family style.  The first part of that is a little quiet time this morning to set up the dining room and the boys room, maybe make a little something good for them to eat when they arrive.

Because my boys are coming home!
And I am counting my  blessings.

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