Hey Ladies,
you’re probably wondering where I am and what’s going on. Well, I’m on the late shift again till next week. Our entire company was restructured and we started with the new concept on Monday. That equals in me coming home from work around midnight and dead tired with my head spinning. Don’t get my wrong I love learning new things and I think it is all very exciting, but there is just no routine at all and that is draining. I have to admit, I’m just not up to freebie hunting at the moment.
Have I ever told you that I have the best man on the planet? Sorry ladies, he’s taken and I ain’t givin’ him back either. Every evening this week when I come home, I find ice cold Becks lemon waiting for me and little snacks. Usually he buys my favorite chips, organic and covered in Balsamic vinegar, but yesterday he went to a new level. My favorite Haribo gummy treat is Cola Schnecken, coke flavored gummy rolls filled with fizzy candy powder, and they very rarely have them at the supermarket. So yesterday when Chris was at the supermarket they were there and my man bought them all. I thought I was in heaven when I came home last night to find a big brown paper bag next to my desk with two bags of chips and filled with Cola Schnecken. My man is unfuckingbelievable.
I don’t know if I will be up to posting freebies this week, I’m taking one day at a time.
Wishing you a wonderful week
Cheers, Angie aka IkeaGoddess
PS: only 14 days till New Moon
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